Changing our biology through the power of our consciousness
The new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of humanity. The research of Bruce H. Lipton PhD a prominent American cell biologist concludes that the cells in our bodies are affected by our thoughts and how we perceive our environment. In his book the Biology of Belief he describes the precise molecular pathways through which this occurs.
In our Genome Healing courses we prove this research to be true. Not only can we affect the cells of our bodies to gain real and measureable healing results within our organs and systems, we can also positively affect our DNA.
Our Thoughts Control our DNA
Gain your own first-hand experience
Giving the body a voice
Telomeres and the Fountain of Youth
Healing of your Stem Cells
Help your children and grandchildren
Healing a whole life-time of traumas in ONE morning session
Working with the “time line” you will learn how you can heal a whole life-time of traumas in ONE morning session! You will also be able to greatly ease the burdens of your family, friends and clients.
Why is this so important? Unresolved traumas weigh you down and create a negative resonance in your energy field. Each unhappy event that you are dealing with now or in the past, stops you from living life to the fullest and vibrating at the higher frequencies of health, love, joy and abundance which is your birthright. If these traumas are not resolved and released, they create post traumatic stress which builds up over time creating depression and physical sickness. You may become surprised at what you have buried long ago as your only coping mechanism. The good news is, all can be transformed easily without the need to relive or rehash any old hurts.
Healing of planetary influences holding you back
Harnessing the “field of unlimited potentiality”
An astounding example of harnessing this healing energy through focused intent is demonstrated in the video below. Gregg Brayden tells of a cancerous tumor being healed in 3 minutes in a medicine-less hospital in Beijing and captured in real time on ultrasound. The Genome Healing methods are very different, however the principle of harnessing universal healing energy and seeing the problem as if it is already healed, is the same.